Furniture repair and restoration allows you to hold onto the old furniture that you hold near and dear to your heart.
If you’re a homeowner, then you have your favorite furniture. Some pieces are more sentimental than others, especially if they’ve been passed down from generation to generation. Whether it was the first couch you and your spouse bought or a family heirloom, it can be pretty tough to throw or give old furniture away. Furniture repair and restoration allows you to hold onto the old furniture that you hold near and dear to your heart. Keep reading to learn three reasons why you should restore your old furniture versus getting rid of it.
Variety of Style Choices
When you restore old furniture, you can do either one of two things. One, you can makeover the furniture to suit your enhanced interior design better. Two, you can give your home a vintage look by restoring the furniture to its original form. In regards to wooden furniture, if you have a particular piece that doesn’t match your other decor, you can contact us here at Mahogany, Inc. to fix that! We’re experts when it comes to historic wood restoration. With wood restoration, you have the freedom to keep the things that you love and upgrade what no longer seamlessly blends into your interior design.
Save Yourself Money
Restoring old furniture costs less than buying brand new furniture. When you’re a first-time homebuyer, it means that there is a chance that you’ll be furnishing an unfurnished home. This process takes a lot of work. If people that you know are generous enough to give away their older furniture, this could save you money versus trying to start from scratch. Also, if you don’t necessarily like the style of the furniture, revamping it to your liking is an option.
Good for the Environment
If you want to lend a hand in protecting the environment, restoring old furniture is an excellent option! Believe it or not, furniture restoration reduces your carbon footprint. Creating new furniture is estimated to take up 1000 times more carbon dioxide than simply just reusing older wood. If you’re conscious about being Eco-friendly, then this is the right choice for you.
But Wait, There’s More
Mahogany, Inc. isn’t just known for enhancing residences when it comes to our custom woodwork. If you’re the owner of a historic building and you want to preserve it, then look no further. While wood is classic, realistically, over time it can mold, warp, and rot. If you want your historic wood to last for years to come, count on us to provide our expertise.
Interested in Restoring Your Old Furniture? Mahogany Inc. Is Here to Help
Whenever you’re ready to upgrade your restore or upgrade your older furniture or preserve historic wood for your business, Mahogany Inc. has your back. Call us at 410-727-0334 with any questions and speak to one of our licensed professionals. To see examples of our work or to gain inspiration for your next project, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.