Help! How Do I Maintain My Commercial Wooden Door?

mahogany, inc. commercial wooden door

Maintaining your commercial wooden door requires little effort.

A commercial wooden door can enhance your business’s beauty, creating a welcoming entryway. Solid wood is also unlikely to dent and can resist wear and tear much better than other entryway materials. Fortunately, maintaining your commercial wooden door requires little effort. We share ways to maintain your exterior wood door.

Cleaning & Polishing Your Wood Exterior Door

Although exterior wood doors don’t require routine care, you can clean your commercial wooden door once a week or so. Simply wipe the surface with a mix of dish soap and warm water using a fiber cloth. Also, polish the exterior of your wooden doors if they become dull. At that point, grab a clean rag and apply a light coat of wax or furniture polish that’s safe for use on natural wood surfaces.

Restoring Your Wooden Door

Even though wood doors have significant strength and durability, they are not immune to damage. Over time, the finish will disappear, or chips and cracks in the top coat might occur. So, you can apply a new protective coating to restore your entryway’s appearance. First, lightly sand the entire surface and wipe it down with a damp rag with mineral spirits. Then, put two or more coats of a fade-resistant finish or exterior paint with UV protection.

Maintaining Your Commercial Wooden Door

Furthermore, exterior door hinges might need to be cleaned once a year, but high-quality hardware must operate excellently and look great for some time. As for the handles, aim to clean them with a disinfectant spray or wipe daily. That way, anyone utilizing the door knobs won’t receive harmful bacteria or germs.

Importance of Regular Inspection

Regularly inspecting your commercial wooden door is vital to ensuring that they are well taken care of. In addition, make sure to check for dark streaks and cracks, as this might indicate that your door needs refinishing. Depending on your property’s exterior design, your property might often be exposed to the elements. Doors that are not safeguarded by porches or roof overhangs will wear out more quickly than protected ones. As a result, you should inspect them more frequently.

Do you have questions? Or do you desire to install a new wooden entryway? Mahogany, Inc. has been recognized as one of the significant and fastest-growing minority contractors in Maryland by the Baltimore Business Journal. Work with us today!

Contact Us Today!

Whenever you’re ready to build or renovate a business, Mahogany Inc. has your back. Call us at 410-727-0334 with any questions and speak to one of our licensed professionals. To see examples of our work or to gain inspiration for your next project, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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