Wood is the best option when it comes to preserving the environment.
Wood not only offers various benefits to homeowners and business owners, but it is also benefits the environment. Wood is the only commonly used building material that is both renewable and sustainable. In comparison to steel and concrete, wood products make a building more energy efficient and lessen the complete energy consumed over the total lifetime of the product. To learn more about the various benefits of utilizing custom woodwork and wood for your business, read on.
The Benefits Wood Offers The Environment
Wood benefits the environment by reducing the carbon in the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate the effects of climate change. Even after they have been harvested, wood products continue to store this carbon. When it comes to greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and other impacts, wood is just better for the environment over all. Steel consumes 12% more energy, emits 15% more greenhouse gases, releases 10% more pollutants into the air, and generates 300% more water pollutants than wood. Concrete consumes even more energy, emits more greenhouse gasses, and releases more pollutants than steel. Overall, wood and custom woodwork is a far more environmentally friendly way to improve and beautify any residential or commercial building.
Wood Reduces Energy Consumption While Improving Energy Efficiency
Across the life cycle of growing, harvesting, transporting, manufacturing and the construction of wood, it requires far less energy consumption compared to other structural building products, such as steel and concrete. Wood also can improve energy efficiency in your own home, which not only benefits the environment but your wallet. As an effective insulator, the cellular structure of wood allows for the creation of air pockets. Ultimately, this contributes to slowing the conductivity of heat.
Wood And Carbon
Wood products effectively store carbon, unlike other building materials. Ultimately, this helps to lessen the negative effects of climate change while also providing a solid alternative for materials that ultimately harm the environment by requiring larger amounts of fossil fuels to produce. Utilizing wood also helps to sustain our forests long term. The thriving industry helps to ensure that it remains affordable, feasible, and profitable for forest owners to invest time and effort into sustainably managing their lands.
Get In Touch With Mahogany Inc To Learn More About Custom Woodwork Today
Mahogany, Inc. is a general contractor specializing in quality construction for projects across a wide range of industries. Located in southwest Baltimore, we employ 100 persons, and are one of the largest minority-owned businesses in the state of Maryland. If you are looking for custom millwork or other amazing wooden installations, then check out our website! Make sure to check back with our blog every week and find us on social media for important updates!